Guduchi: Uses, Benefits and Side Effects

Guduchi, botanically classified as Tinospora Cordifolia, is an essential cure in Indian medicine. It is a member of the Menispermaceae genus and has been used as a medicine since antiquity. It is sometimes referred to as Giloy, Amrita, or Indian bitter. 

It grows over tiny trees and plants in thick and arid forests throughout India at high altitudes. Guduchi’s stem, roots, and leaves all have therapeutic potential. Guduchi is a remedy to cure various diseases in old Ayurvedic textbooks such as Charaka, Sushruta, and other works under multiple titles.

Guduchi’s Therapeutic Applications

The medication ‘Guduchi’ is made from the dried, fully mature stem of Tinospora Cordifolia. It has the following medicinal properties:

  • Anti-ageing
  • Memory booster
  • Improves digestion
  • Anti-cancer
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anti-oxidant
  • Immune booster
  • Reduce blood sugar
  • Protects liver


  • Guduchi has been noted in old Ayurvedic texts to be effective in curing leprosy, jaundice, asthma, fever, gout, and other ailments. 
  • This plant is sacred to tribals throughout India. They utilised Guduchi to treat anything from ear discomfort, diarrhoea, bone fractures, skin disorders, and women’s problems. 
  •  The following are some of the advantages of Guduchi:

Diabetes Benefits of Guduchi

  • Guduchi has been proven to lower blood sugar levels, particularly when fasting. The anti-diabetic action is linked to the presence of different phytochemicals in it. 
  • It controls blood sugar levels by lowering oxidative stress, increasing insulin release, and decreasing glucose generation and breakdown in the body. 
  • Guduchi is highly beneficial for those with type 2 diabetes.

Guduchi’s Digestive Advantages

  • Guduchi can help with a variety of gastrointestinal disorders. According to one study, it helps prevent amoebic inflammation of the digestive tract. 
  • Constipation may be relieved by consuming powdered Guduchi combined with amla or jaggery. 
  • Guduchi Satva, the starch derived from the stem of Guduchi, is highly beneficial to digestion.

Guduchi’s Arthritis Benefits

  • Guduchi stem can help with inflammation and arthritis. It also helps in the relief of joint pain and a variety of other arthritis-related symptoms. 
  • Consuming crushed Guduchi stem combined with ginger can help treat rheumatoid arthritis.

Other major benefits

  • It treats fever caused by malaria, dengue, and swine flu. It is believed to enhance platelet numbers in the blood when administered under certain settings.
  • Guduchi’s anti-inflammatory properties make it helpful in treating respiratory issues such as recurring colds and coughs, asthma, and tonsil infection.
  • Guduchi has been demonstrated in animal experiments to lower cholesterol, phospholipids, and free fatty acid levels.
  • It is beneficial in the treatment of leprosy.
  • It has demonstrated an auspicious function in the control of human immunodeficiency virus infection (HIV).
  • It guards against ulcers induced by stress.
  • Guduchi has been found in clinical research to control aberrant liver function in individuals with infective hepatitis.

How do you use Guduchi?

  • Guduchi stem powder can be taken in conjunction with ginger to help relieve joint discomfort.
  • To relieve constipation, combine Guduchi powder with amla or jaggery.
  • Heating Guduchi particles in water, cooling them, and then putting them on the eyelids improves eyesight.
  • In general, dried and powdered Guduchi leaves can be used in conventional dishes to boost the nutritional value of the food.

Guduchi Adverse Effects

  • There has been no considerable research into the side effects of Guduchi.   
  • However, if you have any negative responses, contact your Naturopathic physician, who recommended it immediately. They will be able to treat you properly.