Plan Budget Friendly Muscle Building Diet For Students

Students Budget Friendly Plan for Muscle Building Diet

Whether you’re a student or someone with a minimal budget and want to build lean muscle, it’s absolutely possible. You can build lean muscles for as low as Rs. 5,000 per month. The concept of building muscle has long been portrayed as a rich man’s sport but not anymore.

The concept of muscle gain is very simple. Perform resistance training consistently covering all muscle groups along with optimal protein intake in the range of 1.5 gram – 2 grams per kg of body weight to induce maximum muscle protein synthesis.

All you need is to make smart food choices with rich protein content and low cost.

Well, if you think of all this as too overwhelming. Fret not. We found a video, that will give you a number of options for each meal (breakfast, lunch, pre and post-workout, dinner) that are made out of ingredients easily available at our homes.

So you don’t need any magic ingredients, all you need is consistency and discipline to get the desired results. Here’s the video for you.