10. Peanut Butter

Consuming peanuts can save you from several diseases. Replacing normal butter with peanut butter can help you reduce weight but eating it in excess can widen your waist. Peanut butter is packed with nutrition and is good for your health if consumed in moderate amounts. Use unsalted, no sugary and non-hydrogenated version to reap the maximum health benefits from it.
100 grams of peanut butter contains nearly 25 grams of protein.
Try this:
Add peanut butter in your smoothies to make them scrumptious.
Consume these foods daily and share your experiences with us.
Related Links:
- 17 High-Protein Snacks that You Can Have “on-the-go”
- The Power of Protein in your Food
- Foods to Boost Immunity System
- 10 Indian Superfoods for a Healthy Living