With Diwali right around the corner, we are sure you must already be drooling over sweets that would make their way to your home. But why not do something new this year? Instead of exchanging sweets this Diwali, let’s give each other the present of good health. With the hustle and bustle of Diwali, you know you will be hearing a lot of firecrackers and skyrockets shooting around, coming with their share of pollution. The air quality not only indoors but also outdoor degrades during that time. The stagnant indoor environment allows the pollutants to stay and can cause headache, nausea, irritation, and dizziness.
To save oneself from such a situation, there are easy and affordable solutions available for countering this growing problem of pollution and smog. So, while we keep the excitement of festivities still intact, why not move towards a more greener, more happier Diwali?
Here’s a list of some indoor plants which can be gifted this Diwali:
1. Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is easy to grow a plant which can flourish indoors in the presence of the sun. You can make the kitchen window an excellent spot to place the plant. Aloe Vera plant monitors home’s air quality. It is beneficial in eliminating harmful chemicals like benzene from the air. Along with removing pollutants from the air, Aloe Vera is useful in several other ways. Aloe vera gel help in healing burns and cuts.
2. English Ivy
English Ivy is a classic and elegant choice for indoors. This houseplant can remove several toxins from the air, including formaldehyde which is absorbed by the dense foliage. Formaldehyde is the indoor pollutant which shows up in synthetic carpet dyes. English Ivy can grow in full shade to full sun and can survive for several years.
3. Gerbera Daisy
Gerbera Daisy, which grows the best in warm temperatures, is a popular plant which helps remove complex compounds like benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene. It purifies the air and provides a mood-enhancing ambience to the home. Gerbera Daisy thrives the best in moist soil so do not forget to keep the soil moist; also, avoid over-watering it.
4. Peace Lily
Peace Lily is an indoor air purifying plant which is poisonous to pets and needs weekly watering. Known for its ability to absorb formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, VOC benzene and acetone which is emitted by cleaners and electronics, Peace Lily is relatively easy to take care of.
5. Spider Plant
Known for reproducing quickly, Spider plant is a good option for beginners in gardening. One can put this plant inside a room or in a hanging basket close to the window or the balcony. Spider Plant is effective in removing formaldehyde and benzene from the air.
6. Snake Plant
Snake Plant, which is also known as mother-in-law’s tongue, is a sharp-leafed plant which thrives in low light. It is useful in giving a slight oxygen boost while sleeping. Snake Plant helps in lowering carbon dioxide, formaldehyde, and benzene contents from the air and releases oxygen.
7. Golden Pothos (Money Plant)
The most common plant which can be seen indoors is the Golden Pothos. It is one of the best houseplants for cleaning the air. This fast-growing plant is capable of removing formaldehyde toxins. They are used extensively for indoor decoration and can be used as hanging plants in the basket.
8. Areca Palm
Effective in eliminating toxins from the air, the areca palm is one of the most beautiful indoor plants. It is capable of removing toluene which is commonly found in nail paint remover, correction fluid, and paint thinners, is extremely hazardous to human health. Areca palm can also remove xylene, which is found mostly in rubber industries. It emits a large amount of water vapour in the air and is tolerant to most of the indoor environments.
You can keep the above-mentioned plants inside your house or offices. Also, this Diwali you can gift any of them to curb the problem of pollution.