Beauty Tips for Glowing Skin in Winters

6. Avocado


There are several fats which can replenish a depleted skin tone back to its natural colour. But, sadly the fats you can’t get with gorging on ice creams or the one that you get from cheese, chips, and cakes. It’s the foods rich in Omega-3 like avocado that come to your rescue. Nutritionists advise a small avocado, and a few nuts every single day. And, you can not only eat it but wear it too. On your face. As a mask. It increases the collagen content, fundamental for healthy skin. As a mask, you can make a paste of it with aloe, jojoba, olive, and almond oil. If you find avocado to be inaccessible in your local fruit markets, then you can always get these exotic fruits online. The world is at your fingertips now!