5. Salt

We’ll start right away with why it is bad. When you take excess salt, there gets an excess of it in your bloodstream as well. And, kidney’s job is to keep it balanced. So, what it does is retain water in order to keep the salt’s concentration dilute in the blood. And, this puts unnecessary burden over it. For a day, it can manage for sure. For two, it can take that. But, when your regular diet is like that – having too much salt – you’re practically asking for kidney disease.
Talking about the long run, the nephrons of the kidney can get damaged, too, in the process. These are microscopic structures crucial for filtering waste. Just way too much damage.
So, let’s hit the problem upfront and see from where can you get unwarranted quantities of salt. Well, anywhere from table salt to processed foods – these contain a ton of it, by the way. Salt is the spice of life! Avoiding it WILL be difficult. So, our advice? Stick to fresh foods and keep the salt sprinkling limited, whenever possible.