7. Sugar

Sure, sugar looks all innocent and ‘sweet’ in the face, but it can, too, harm your precious twos. Because, here’s a chain link going on. Sugar leads to obesity. Obesity leads to an increased risk of diabetes and high blood pressure. And, these two are major causes of kidneys diseases. Those who have bad renal health should totally do away with it. And, those who are on the other side of the fence, it’d be better if they choose to be cautious from now on.
Processed sugar has a way to sneak in our diets through breakfast cereals, desserts, condiments, and white bread. When you can, try to give these a miss. Always look at the ingredient list when you are buying packaged foods and avoid as much as possible if it says sugar. I know it’s hard, borderline impossible, to eliminate sugar from your life. But, you’ll get brownie points for trying (from your kidney!). The mantra is the less the better.
Lastly, one easy-peasy shortcut to keep your kidneys healthy. Something so easy everyone can and should do. The trick is to stay hydrated. Drink 1.5 to 2 litres of water daily (barring those who have kidney issue. Those with kidney function issues should minimise their fluid intake). This will also prevent kidney stones.
Now that you know so much about foods that can be bad for your two very important organs, you might not throw the caution to the wind easily the next time!
Tips for healthy kidney:
- Exercise regularly and spend a busy life. Apart from this, avoid excessive fatty products like brown rice, canned food, whole wheat bread, and so on.
- Try to keep your blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol level under control. Its fluctuation leads to kidney-related disease.
- An annual check-up is essential.
- Avoid smoking and over-drinking of alcohol as these two are the world’s number one cause of kidney failure.