Know About The Nagarhole National Park in Karnataka

Nagarhole is your destination if you like lush rainforests, bubbling rivers, and rare wildlife.

Have you heard about Nagarhole National Park before? It is a serene, exquisite, and tourist-favourite spot in southern India’s lush rainforests. One of Karnataka’s well-kept natural jewels, this conservation park presents a rare opportunity to witness the fascinating indigenous flora and fauna in their natural surroundings.

The park stretches across 643 square kilometres in the Mysore district. It gets its name from the “Nagarahole” or ‘Snake River’ that cuts through the middle of its thick forests. This reserve was officially declared a tiger reserve in 1999. Most of the state’s captivating wildlife live within this wet deciduous forest.

 Witnessing Wildlife in Nagarhole

Yet, the chance to witness phenomenal beings in their most unspoiled habitats sets Nagarhole apart from other places and makes it exceptional. When you enter its winding trails during the jungle safari, you might see the enigmatic big cats hiding behind the dense tree walls. This sanctuary has an impressively high population density of tigers in India. Intrepid adventurers are likely to encounter this majestic beast in the wild.

The nearby watering reservoirs host India’s largest group of Asian elephants, standing about six feet tall. These friendly giants meander through the woods in groups of various sizes. But that is not all. This forest reveals momentous quirks of nature at every bend. Pay careful attention to spot other native residents. The forest offers a plethora of natural wonders, ranging from sloth bears and leopards to some of the most beautiful birds you’ve ever seen.

 Exploring Wildlife Through Nagarhole Safaris

If you wish to spot wildlife in their natural woodland habitat, you can register for one of the park’s exciting jungle safaris. The sanctuary is positioned in an elephant and tiger migratory corridor, so you are almost sure to see some animals while on safari. You may choose between the exciting jeep safari on dirt roads or the serene coracle journey on the picturesque Kabini backwaters.

Both options give you the best opportunity to view some wildlife. Guides are familiar with animal behaviour and will help you identify wildlife. It is best to be on the road early morning and late at night along narrow forest routes. This is when animals often emerge from their daily activities to feed or hunt. A meeting with elusive predators or a large group of peaceful giants can make your safari an unforgettable event if you have patience and luck!

 A Paradise for Birdwatchers

What’s the first thing that crosses your mind when someone says countless birds live in Nagarhole? Sounds interesting, right? Plan your visit between November and February when migratory birds fly in from faraway places, doubling the number of local birds. This lush area has over 270 bird species recorded, from brightly patterned minivets and colourful malachite kingfishers to birds of prey like crested serpent eagles and changeable hawk-eagles.

While walking through the jungle, watch for bright flashes of iridescent feathers in the treetops. Expert guides can share interesting bird habits and calls, making your forest outing more exciting. Photographers love taking photos of these colourful birds against the natural woodland background.

 Luxurious Stay in Nagarhole

Now imagine the excitement of spending the night luxuriously enveloped in Nagarhole’s lush foliage. The most comfortable accommodations will await you in the woods when you awaken. One well-known lodge is the Kabini River Lodge, perched on a riverbank. Guests can experience a room or villa with splendid panoramic views of the wooded area.

Every morning, the serenade of rare birds greets you at dawn. Mist can be seen rising above the slow river. During your free time, visit the village or attend informative talks about nature. Enjoy traditional Kodava cuisine, cooked and served using the finest organic, locally grown ingredients. This is why holidaymakers return to this untouched nook for a beautiful diversion in the bosom of nature.

 Nagarhole is your destination if you like lush rainforests, bubbling rivers, and rare wildlife. While discovering such rare and fantastic animals, ensure you walk and don’t crowd their habitat. It is essential to listen to what the guides say. This is important to maintain the equilibrium of the system. A tiger stalking you through dry fields or an elephant family passing you on their way across a current is not something you will soon forget. Although it is not some remote wilderness, it offers Southern richness. It is one of the best places to escape metropolitan life in Karnataka.