Know about the unique railway stations in India

Usually, a platform ticket is sufficient to travel to railway stations. However, there is a railway station where a visa is required to enter. Generally, if we want to go to the railway station, we take an auto or a bus from home and continue the journey by stating the name of the particular railway station to them. But, what is the train’s name while going to the unnamed railway station? Know such rare happenings; following are exciting and unique railway stations somewhere in India:

1) Engine and bogie of a train separated by states:

Bhavani Mandi Railway Station is located on the borders of Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. If the train arrives at this station and stops, the engine is in one state. The train bogies remain in another state. Another speciality is that if the ticket holders stay in Madhya Pradesh, the ticket office will be in Rajasthan. It is situated at the border area. In 2018, a Bollywood film titled ‘Bhawani Mandi Tesan’ was shot at this particular railway station.

2) Unnamed Railway Stations:

There are a few thousand railway stations across the country. They all have a name, but there are also unnamed railway stations in our country. For example, there is an unidentified railway station between Bankura and Masagram in West Bengal. The railway station was initially known as Rainagar. But, the adjoining Raina villagers struggled to change the station’s name, resembling their village. As a result, clashes broke out between the two towns, and the Railway Board intervened and removed the name. The station has been operating without a name ever since. However, tickets are issued under the name called Rainagar. There is also another unnamed railway station in Jharkhand. Trains first ran here in 2011. Although the station was initially called Bakrichampi, the name was dropped due to concerns of the locals. Therefore, the railway station operates without any name.

3) United by stations; divided by states

Nagpur Railway Station is located on the borders of Maharashtra and Gujarat. Here the Maharashtra-Gujarat borderline runs through the centre of the bench at the station. Half of the bench is in Maharashtra, and the other half is in Gujarat. On the bench are the names of the two states. The ticket counter at this railway station falls in Maharashtra, and the station master’s office, waiting room come under Gujarat. Interestingly, announcements are also made in four languages ​​. Hence, this railway station is an example of “Railway stations remain united even if the states are divided”.

4) Visa to enter a Railway Station:

We know that a visa is mandatory for those going abroad. However, one must have access to enter the Attari railway station in Punjab. It is located in Amritsar near the Indo-Pak border. Visitors to the railway station must show a visa due to security concerns. If anyone is caught without it, there will be severe penalties.