Major Mineral Resources of India

5. Dolomite


Dolomite is a mineral which is widespread in almost all parts of the country. 90 per cent of the dolomite reserves are distributed in Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Chattisgarh, and Odisha. The dolomite reserves are placed at 7533 million tonnes as per UNFC.

6. Fireclay


Fireclay, which is a very hard and durable ceramic material mineral, it occurs as a bedded deposit and is usually associated with coal measures of Gondwana and Tertiary periods. About 705 million tonnes of fireclay reserves are present in India. Jharia in Jharkhand, Raniganj in West Bengal, Korba coalfield in Chattisgarh and Neyveli Lignite field in Chattisgarh have large deposits of fireclay.