National Hydrogen Energy Mission (NHEM): Significance, Merits and Demerits

The National Hydrogen Energy Mission (NHEM): The government notified the opening of the NHEM as well as the successive bids for green hydrogen. 

For the advancement of renewable energy sources, including hydrogen, the budget allots Rs. 1500 crore. The government will create a timeline for utilising hydrogen as a fuel source as part of the mission where the transportation industry could change as a result, along with other businesses. Its expedition will take advantage of the fact that hydrogen is the most common element on Earth. Furthermore, the fuel is significantly cleaner.

The emphasis of the project will be on hydrogen via clean sources. Additionally, it envisions integrating the hydrogen economy with the nation’s expanding capacity for renewable energy. India has a 175 GW renewable energy production goal for 2022, and this program is anticipated to help with that goal.

Utilising hydrogen will help India meet its emissions targets within the Paris Agreement and lessen its reliance on imported fossil fuels. The transportation segment, the chemical business, and the manufacturing sector are the final consumers of hydrogen energy. Due to their use of fossil fuels, these industries are responsible for 1/3 of overall greenhouse gas production.

Significance of the NHEM program

  • Hydrogen is being pushed for various reasons, and the current regime is betting on it.
  • India mainly relies on fossil fuels to generate electricity (coal). If hydrogen can take its place, pollution will be decreased. Additionally, coal imports may be decreased.
  • The most prevalent element in the universe, hydrogen also offers the advantages of being lighter, higher energy-dense, and much more energy-efficient.
  • The iron, steel, chemical, and transportation industries will accrue benefits.

Hydrogen: When used as a Fuel

Hydrogen is an environmentally friendly alternative fuel. Most Importantly, water is the sole byproduct in a fuel cell, which creates electric power via a chemical process. Because of this, it is very appealing as a source of clean energy.

A range of energy sources, including wood, nuclear power, renewable energy, and natural gas sources like solar and wind power, can be used to make hydrogen. Therefore, hydrogen is a good fuel choice in transportation and energy generation.

Merits of Hydrogen Fuel

    • It is a plentiful and renewable energy source.
    • Since burning hydrogen doesn’t result in toxic byproducts, it is a green energy source. It leaves almost no carbon footprint.
    • Unlike natural gas or the nuclear industry, nuclear power is not hazardous to human health.
    • Because of its great energy density and efficiency, it has a three-fold increase in power over most fossil fuels.
    • Hydrogen can be kept in containers and used in autos.
    • It is ideal for long-distance trucks and commercial vehicles because it is more lightweight than battery packs. In addition, it refuels quickly.

Demerits of Hydrogen Fuel

  • Using hydrogen energy and hydrogen as a transportation fuel has certain drawbacks. The list below includes a few drawbacks.
    • Due to its enormous energy level, hydrogen is a highly explosive and volatile material.
    • Additionally, since hydrogen is an unscented gas, sensors are needed to find leaks. This makes it an unsafe and harmful fuel.
    • The ways of producing hydrogen are pretty pricey. Additionally, industrial processes use fossil fuels, which cause pollution.
    • Hydrogen power is expensive compared to conventional energy and fuel because of the intricate structure of the production processes, which slows down its acceptance.