October 9 is observed every year as the World Post Day. It is the anniversary of the Universal Postal Union (UPU) established on this day in 1874, in Berne, Switzerland. And that marked the beginning of a global communications revolution.
World Post Day was first declared at the UPU Congress in 1969 which was held in Tokyo, Japan. Whole world celebrates October 9 as the World Post Day since then. This memorable day is observed in many countries by issuing special postage stamps to honour the history and achievements of their national postal services and also mark their ideals of long postal history. Above all the philatelists and stamp collectors all over the world honour these initiatives.
Indian postal history goes a long way even before the arrival of the Europeans. During the British Raj, Indian Postal System evolved into the most powerful, vast and reliable network which was connected not only to most parts of India but also extended to Burma, the Straits Settlements and to other parts which were ruled by the British East India Company.
National Postal Day
Indian Postal Service which has registered a seven-fold growth since independence has 1,54,866 post offices as of March 2011 and out of which 89.78% are in rural areas and only 10.22% are in urban areas. Every year on October 10, Indian Postal Services observe ‘National Postal Day’ which is an extended celebration of the World Post Day.
Indian Postal Service is planning to equip itself with modern mechanisms to make its service quicker and faster so that it can keep pace with the emerging e-commerce market. For instance, a global online retail giant has already pioneered in piloting a project of cash on delivery through Indian Postal Service. Indian Post’s huge network is the main attraction for the company by which it can reach to the remotest corner of the country. It is not very far when our modest postman and postwoman will be at our doorstep to deliver the order with cash on delivery.
There is a great support from the Government of India to make Indian Postal Service, which is the world’s largest postal network, the most prominent and the best delivery services to the e-commerce firms. Digital India Project which is aiming to facilitate with broadband to every village all over the country can lure the e-commerce business companies to join hands with the Indian posts. In some parts of rural India Daknet – in Hindi dak means post – is a successful initiative which can connect with the people staying in the remotest corner of the country.
Daknet uses wireless technology
Daknet which has been developed by the MIT Media Lab researchers is an ad hoc network. It uses wireless technology to provide asynchronous digital connectivity. Villagers are using them with very affordable internet services. Daknet transfers data over short point-to-point links between Kiosks and Mobile Access Points (MAPs) which are portable storage devices. MAP physically transmits data among public kiosks and private communication devices (as an intranet) and between kiosks and a hub (for non-real time internet access). These MAPs are generally mounted and powered by a bus, a motorcycle or even a bicycle with small generator. By using Daknet connections e-services like e-mails and voice mails are being availed by the villagers. Daknet concept has helped Bhoomi a lot which is an initiative to computerize land records.
The Indian Postal Service can really emerge into a focal point for delivering e-services to the people from the remotest corner of the country.
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