Are you fascinated by the stories of the Arabian Nights? And the genie that comes out of the lamp to grant Aladdin’s wish when he rubs the magic lamp? From childhood, I always wished how nice it would be if I too had that genie in my life that will do whatever I command it to do.
AI (Artificial Intelligence) has made my wish come true, at least partially. I don’t have to get out of bed anymore to switch on the light or fan. In fact, I don’t even have to dial a phone number with my fingers anymore. This has become possible only because many tech companies have launched AI-based smart speakers that make life simpler by doing wide range of activities as per your command. Therefore, let’s check some of these smart assistants that make our work simpler at home.
The top 5 AI-based devices for home in India are:
please click Next to know the names of devices