11. Azim Premji

Wipro chairman Azim Premji pioneered a new era of philanthropic leadership by donating half of his fortune to a trust. Moreover, Azim Premji is informally called as the Czar of the Indian IT Industry. As of 2019, Azim Premji is regarded as the second richest person in India. His net worth is approximately $5.1 billion. The success of Indian tech magnate could be determined by looking at the revenue collection of $8.4 billion which made Wipro the 3rd largest IT outsourcer of India. Recently, in September 2018, Wipro became a lodestar by winning a project of $1.6 billion. This is a contract for 10 years from Alight Solutions of Illinois. Premji has undertaken key educational initiatives by becoming the founder of Azim Premji Foundation. Additionally, he took a pledge to donate 34% of his Wipro stock to the Azim Premji Trust. A total of US$21 billion will be endowed by Premji to his foundation for educating India.