A tweet doesn’t allow you to go out and say everything together. A blog does. So here I go, this format is going to give me flexibility of posting my thoughts structured and together. Feedback is most welcome.
Dr. Harsh Vardhan:
- Amongst the finest human beings in Indian politics.
- Not madly running after money.
- Not a saam, daam, dund, bhed politician.
- Never seeking controversy, never earning controversy.
- In top 1% of the most well educated and esteemed professionals our country has.
- He is clean, as clean as a politician in India can be and as above board as the system would allow him to be.
- If Narendra Modi gets elected you can expect people like Dr. Harsh Vardhan in standing up for injustice and discrimination from within the party.
- Excellent when it comes to control and balances.
- Doesn’t seem to have any regrets in life and is never seen as settling scores.
- Never associated with words like hate-mongers.
- Frugal.
- Ready for bigger role at the Centre.
- The man responsible for initiating and ensuring the success of polio eradication project in Delhi.
- No pushover, seriously assertive and seriously calm, no hint of aggression.
He should win, we need more people like him in our Parliament.
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