It really is, isn’t it? Who wants the giggles to ever stop! But, have you ever thought what makes this genre extra-special that we could always, almost always, pick out this one as our first choice? Mood no bar, time no bar, and even age no bar. Why so much love, really? Well, here is what we think.
1. We Need Colours in This World
If comedies won’t be here, yeah, well, we can’t imagine what it would be like. Our days can be dark, gloomy, or there could be Monday blues, and a comedy is always there to revive us back to our jolly smiley face. We need comedies like we need pickles, puppies, and rainbows in this world. Can you really think of a life where there is no comedy movie, just some cheesy meagre jokes delivered in cutesy romantic movies (which are never that funny) or some laughs deliberately extracted from bloopers done in our horror movies? Yeah, we neither.
2. #Respect for Talent
Have you ever told a joke and saw it fell flat? We’ve all been there. Making other people laugh is no easy task. It takes efforts And, unlike the old-age formula of love stories, which can be rehashed on and on without anyone batting their eyes, one has to come with new jokes in every other comedy film. Because who laughs on the old jokes? Comedy flicks require more energy, creativity, and talent to make. And you know what they say about societies that don’t appreciate talent? Of course, we’re not part of any of those. Are you? (Psst… better switch to our side early before you start getting judged.)
3. It’s Right up Everybody’s Alley
While horror flicks have a specific audience, and so have corny romantic movies with pretty-pretty takers, comedy movies, on the other hand, are universally adored. All love to laugh, apparently. Cute slapsticks, the boisterous burlesque ones, or the rather serious dark comedies – there exists all kinds of consumers of the comic genre. Is it really a surprise comedy is such a hit with the masses?
4. Laughter, After All, is the Best Medicine
In this world which can at times turn abysmal, who wouldn’t want to see a silver lining. And, the good news is that it exists! There’s no substitute for films which can give us a laugh or two when we’re feeling down. And, when the world is fighting with depression, there’s no better medicine than a comedy. Seeing shrinks is pricey but not a comic film DVD, or even a blue ray. You know you can always count on them getting through a sad phase. At least for a moment, you can forget all your worries and hop on the whirlwind ride they take you on. Don’t they worth the top spot among all of the movie genres?
Can think of more reasons why comedy genre is the best ever, can’t-be-lived-without kind of movie class? Then, do tell us in comments below.