Discuss briefly, the circular flow of income in a two sector economy model.

CBSE Economics class 12 question and answer | Discuss briefly, the circular flow of income in a two sector economy model.


Discuss briefly, the circular flow of income in a two sector economy model.

Ans. 1. Households:

    • Primary consumers of goods and services produced by firms.

    • Provide factors of production (labor, land, capital) to firms in exchange for income.

    • Receive income from firms in the form of wages, salaries, rent, and profits.

  1. Firms:

    • Producers of goods and services for households.

    • Purchase factors of production from households to produce goods and services.

    • Generate revenue by selling goods and services to households.

Circular Flow:

  • Households provide factors of production to firms in exchange for income.

  • Firms use factors of production to produce goods and services, which they sell to households.

  • Households use their income to purchase goods and services from firms.

  • This cycle repeats continuously, creating a circular flow of income and goods between households and firms.