Explain the phrase all his young days into the harbour with reference to…

CBSE English class 10 question and answer | Explain the phrase ‘all his young days into the harbour’ with reference to the extract.


Explain the phrase ‘all his young days into the harbour’ with reference to the extract.


The phrase “all his young days into the harbor” from the extract suggests the passage of time and the culmination of the boy’s childhood experiences as he grows older. In the context of the poem, the harbor symbolizes a place of transition and departure, where the boy metaphorically leaves behind his youth and innocence as he matures and faces the realities of life.

This phrase implies that the boy has spent his formative years sheltered within the safety and comfort of his childhood, represented by the harbor. However, as he grows older and loses his ball, he is metaphorically setting sail from the harbor of his youth into the vast and uncertain sea of adulthood.

The loss of the ball serves as a metaphor for the loss of innocence and the inevitable challenges and setbacks that come with growing up. It marks a significant moment of transition for the boy, as he begins to navigate the complexities of the world beyond the safety of his childhood harbor.