How did the planters in the tea plantations live ?

Class 12th Sociology, Question paper 2023 -How did the planters in the tea plantations live ?

Question :How did the planters in the tea plantations live ?

The correct answer is -During the colonial period in India, the British established tea plantations in various parts of the country, particularly in Assam and Darjeeling. The plantations were managed by British planters, who lived on site with their families and a large number of Indian workers.

The planters’ lifestyle was generally comfortable, as they had access to well-appointed bungalows, servants, and other amenities. They also had access to exclusive social clubs and other recreational activities, such as golf, tennis, and hunting.

However, the living conditions for the Indian workers were often harsh and exploitative. The workers were typically housed in cramped and unsanitary conditions, with little access to healthcare or education. They were also paid very low wages, and were often subject to abusive treatment by plantation managers and overseers.

The plantations were essentially self-contained communities, with their own schools, hospitals, and other facilities. The planters and their families lived in a world apart from the Indian workers, with little interaction or understanding of their lives and concerns. This social and economic divide between the planters and the workers contributed to the development of deep-seated racial and class tensions, which continue to shape the tea industry and wider society in India today.