How were labourers recruited and appointed by the colonial Administrators in the tea purdens ?

Class 12th Sociology, Question paper 2023 -How were labourers recruited and appointed by the colonial Administrators in the tea purdens ?

Question :How were labourers recruited and appointed by the colonial Administrators in the tea purdens ?

The correct answer is -During the colonial period in India, labourers for the tea plantations were typically recruited and appointed by the colonial administrators through a system of indentured labour or “coolie” labor.

Under this system, workers were often recruited from impoverished areas of India, such as Bihar, Orissa, and Bengal, and transported to the tea gardens under contracts that bound them to work for a fixed period of time, usually five to seven years. The workers were paid very low wages, and were often subjected to harsh working conditions, including long hours, physical abuse, and inadequate housing and medical care.The recruitment and appointment of workers was overseen by a

system of intermediaries, who were often local contractors or “sardars” appointed by the colonial administrators. These intermediaries were responsible for recruiting and transporting workers to the tea gardens, and for overseeing their work and discipline once they arrived.

The system of indentured labor was criticized by many for its exploitative and coercive nature, and for the widespread abuse and mistreatment of workers. Over time, various reforms were introduced to improve conditions for workers, including the abolition of the indenture system in the early 20th century, and the introduction of laws regulating working conditions and wages in the tea industry. However, the legacy of exploitation and inequality in the tea industry continues to be felt today, and is the subject of ongoing debate and advocacy by labor activists and civil society organizations.