KBC 2023| After which person is the area in New Delhi named where there are roads named Nyaya Marg, Niti Marg and Satya Marg?

KBC 2023, Check the answer to the question- After which person is the area in New Delhi named where there are roads named Nyaya Marg, Niti Marg and Satya Marg?

KBC 2023, Amitabh Bachchan.
KBC 2023, Amitabh Bachchan. (Representative Image)

KBC 2023, The options of the question – After which person is the area in New Delhi named where there are roads named Nyaya Marg, Niti Marg and Satya Marg?

A. Chanakya

B. Samrat Ashoka

C. Panini

D. Samudragupta

The answer is A. Chanakya.