KBC 2023| HS Bhatavdekhar’s 1899 film, considered to be the first documentary made in India, showed a recording of which sport?

KBC 2023, Check the answer to the question-HS Bhatavdekhar's 1899 film, considered to be the first documentary made in India, showed a recording of which sport?

KBC 2023, Amitabh Bachchan.
KBC 2023, Amitabh Bachchan. (Representative Image)

KBC 2023, The options to the question- HS Bhatavdekhar’s 1899 film, considered to be the first documentary made in India, showed a recording of which sport?

A. Wrestling

B. Kabbadi

C. Cricket

D. Kho Kho

The answer is A. Wrestling