KBC 2023| Which emperor’s words does TM Krishna’s ‘The Edict Project’ set to music by singing them in the original Magadhi Prakrit language?

KBC 2023, Check the answer to the question- Which emperor’s words does TM Krishna’s ‘The Edict Project’ set to music by singing them in the original Magadhi Prakrit language?

KBC 2023, Amitabh Bachchan.
KBC 2023, Amitabh Bachchan. (Representative Image)

KBC 2023, The options of the question – Which emperor’s words does TM Krishna’s ‘The Edict Project’ set to music by singing them in the original Magadhi Prakrit language?

A. Emperor Ashoka

B. Chandragupta Maurya

C. Emperor Kanishka

D. Ajatashatru

The answer is A. Emperor Ashoka.