Our honorable Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit has recently said that Delhi is becoming a world-class city. Every measure has been taken by the government to make this dream come true. Some exemplary positive changes done so far are – computerization of civil supply offices and other offices, introduction of e-governance and inter-connecting zonal transport offices.
But would it be fine to say that just computerization can make Delhi a world-class city? My motive here is not to condemn the positive changes, but to bring into the picture the areas that require immediate attention to make Delhi a world class city (Although everyone knows these and some must be living or facing these). These are the basic things which are associated with all of us.
There is no doubt about the infrastructural development in Delhi. We have got the Delhi metro, many flyovers and free ways But when it comes to residential areas, the condition is still the same or even worse. Merely 25% of city population is living in planned areas. Half of Delhi’s population is living in unauthorized colonies and slum areas. Most of the unplanned areas in Delhi lack basic civic facilities. These areas have no roads, sewage and water facilities. Once such example is Phase 5 of Om Vihar, Uttam Nagar where I stay. The whole area is in a pathetic condition. There are no roads, no water supply and no sewage system. When the rainy season comes, that area no longer remain a place to live but an island with pools of muddy and dirty water in every street. Since the last seven years (as I have been living there for the past seven years) residents have been listening that work related to the construction of roads and other civic facilities is soon going to start but that day has never come and probably it will never come and the families like us will have to move out. On the other hand, you can easily see well constructed roads under construction in most of the posh areas of Delhi. And what to talk about VIP areas? Have you ever seen a pothole on those roads? This really irritates you. Can’t the material and technology that is used to construct those roads be used in Uttam Nagar or areas like this?
It is just one example I have given, but there are many such areas with similar stories such as Ghazipur Dairy Farm, Usmanpur, Shadipur etc. You can check huge number of such complaints online at complaintboard.in. Why do not the ministers buy homes in these areas and feel what the residents are feeling?
Secondly, Delhi for sure is on the world map but not for good reasons. City is now known for all the wrong reasons. Crime rate in Delhi has gone very high. Every now and then there are cases of abduction, rape, murder, burglary etc.
It is the time to see the reality and act on the issues that are of utmost importance than just beating the bush. To convert a dream into reality we have to work towards it. It is a time to prove that what we say is what we do. It is equally important to change the look of residential areas along with computerization.
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