1. Nirma

Remember that popular jingle “Hema, Rekha, Jaya aur Sushma, sabki pasand Nirma…“? Released in 2011, this 25-year-old jingle was successfully used to show four proactive women in pristine white getting down into a muddy puddle to push an ambulance stuck in the dirt, while a group of men continues staring without lifting a finger. The ad featured four leading actors back in that time who were popular “bahus” of the TV industry. Though some might say the commercial also associated detergent powder only with women, eight years back this was a good attempt to dispel the notion that women are physically weak. Moving with the times, maybe Nirma itself realised that and switched to ‘Nirma Advance’ with Hrithik Roshan as their ambassador, breaking the association with the female gender.