1. humansofsafeplaces

The name itself says humans-of-safe-places; a place which is bereft of any opinion, misjudgment or judgment at all. It is a safe place to talk about issues which has a stigma attached to it. The page with nearly 10,000 followers is run by a small group of enthusiast who try and decode myths and fallacies surrounded around sexuality, mental health, period, ageism, colourism, ableism to name a few.
These humans have also organized several events in Delhi, and Patiala namely ‘Charcha’ and ‘Guftagoo’, where the house is open for all to come and voice their issues which are otherwise shunned since they are blot on society’s escutcheon.
So, if you have a story that you have locked inside your heart, know that now you have a safe place too. Drop a mail at [email protected] and make the river finally move in you.