Hello folks.. here comes another man made “Reincarnation of Lord Shiva“. People in Bokaro, Jharkhand are going gaga over a large size pumpkin weighing 87 Kg believing it to be an avatar of Lord Shiva.People are indeed worshiping the vegetable..Isn’t this hilarious??
The owner of the pumpkin Umesh a vegetable wholesaler first felt or rather had an intuition that the pumpkin is Lord Shiva’s reincarnation as it was oval shaped , of almost the same shape as that of a Shivlinga and moreover he had never in his 40 years of career as a vegetable seller seen such a huge pumpkin and so believed that Lord Shiva had come to his house by taking the avatar of a pumpkin to bless him and his family members.
When I read this news in the newspaper today morning I wasn’t convinced even a bit because according to me just the shape and size of a mere vegetable doesn’t prove of it being God. I mean common people grow up for the sake of “the same” god. Have pity on the poor pumpkin. God is omnipresent then why find him in things like pumpkin, potato and what not.Time to wake up guyz…Neither Hindu mythology nor Hindu scriptures promotes idol worship , infact it boycotts it completely.Then where does the need arise from of creating of such a nuisance and worshipping an ordinary vegetable??
I mean okay fine, the man Umesh says that he would like to keep the pumpkin uptil Mahashivratri which is next Sunday and until then offer garlands and sweets to “his bhagwan” , and on the day of Shivratri he and the priest would cut the pumpkin and distribute it as “prasad” among all the devotees. Now what about Lord Shiva?Why is he being cut into pieces and being eaten by human beings? Isn’t this cannibalism ??
India is a developing country and indulging ourselves into something so narrow and backward will actually make us land nowhere. I am not against worshipping God and I am not an atheist either, but I genuinely refuse to be a part of something like this. For me God is in ourselves, everywhere and in everything we do. I don’t need an object to worship him or perform acts like these.