After forming a strong bond with what was an unknown family in Ahmedabad three days before, I left for Ambaji. It was recommended by a person in the family, who said they have a hotel there and I was welcome to stay. I wanted to reach Ambaji directly and did not want to stop anywhere in between. For that I had to cycle 182 kilometers.

I was prepared for this ride and I completed it in 10 hours and 35 minutes. I also crossed the Tropic of Cancer on my way. There are two routes for going to Ambaji from Ahmedabad. I took the route which goes through Himatnagar, which was not recommended; but this is what I like, challenging myself over and over again. The Aravalli Range climb welcomed me on my way when I was some 30 km from my destination. This is what ruined my day’s average speed and left me completely exhausted.

My thirst had also hit an all-time high, as I was gulping down water by the litres. Thanks for the earthen pots by the roadside, there was no shortage of drinking water. The good thing about that day’s cycling was that I did not have to search for any cheap accommodation when I was already very tired. Upon reaching Ambaji, I located the hotel and found a room waiting for me.

I might have cycled the longest distance that day during this whole trip but it felt like the usual 100 km. Such is power of the human mind, that you can command it to do whatever you wish!