15 May 1907: Sukhdev Thapar, Indian activist, was born

“… Congress places on record its admiration of the bravery and sacrifice of Bhagat Singh, Sukh Dev and Raj Guru and mourns with their bereaved families the loss of these lives.”

~ Declaration of the Congress Party in the Karachi Session, regarding the hanging of Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev, and Rajguru, in 1931.

15 May 1907 marks the birth of a great revolutionary, Sukhdev, whose name has been instilled in the history of the war of Indian Independence, along with Bhagat Singh and Rajguru.

The history of Indian revolutionaries and their contribution to India’s fight for independence play as important a role as that of the non-violence movement practiced by Mahatma Gandhi and his supporters. According to historians, they were in fact the “forerunners of many plannings and strategies adopted by the Indian nationalists in the freedom struggle.” These include demanding complete independence, at the time when the Indian National Congress (INC) was still trying to hold on to the hope for a “dominion status”, and influencing socialist thinking, which was later adopted by the INC. Indian revolutionaries, today, are remembered as a “self sacrificing spirit” who inspired people through their bravery and heroism.