Pin Code List | Postal Index Number Codes

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About Pincode in India
India is a large country and hence, it is next to impossible to recall Pincode of any particular locality in a city/town or village or to locate a place using its Pincode.
To help you find a Pincode or area, we present to you our Pincode search engine. Now, you can easily search for the Pincode of a particular area as well as the address of any place in India, simply through its Pincode. All of that just one click away.
With this section, our aim is to cater to the needs of individuals as well as organizations who want to search for Pincode or addresses of localities across India. Be it a place in the remote mountains of Jammu and Kashmir or the deserts of Rajasthan, we have got you covered.
1st 2 Digits of PINcode, Postal Circle :
- 11 - Delhi
- 12 - 13 Haryana
- 14 - 16 Punjab
- 17 - Himachal Pradesh
- 18 - 19 Jammu & Kashmir
- 20 - 28 Uttar Pradesh
- 30 - 34 Rajasthan
- 36 - 39 Gujarat
- 0 - 44 Maharashtra
- 45 - 48 Madhya Pradesh
- 49 - Chhattisgarh
- 50 - 53 Andhra Pradesh
- 50 - 53 TELANGANA
- 56 - 59 Karnataka
- 60 - 64 Tamil Nadu
- 67 - 69 Kerala
- 682- Lakshadweep
- 70 - 74 West Bengal
- 744- Andaman & Nicobar
- 75 - 77 Orissa
- 78 - Assam
- 79 - Arunachal Pradesh
- 79 - Manipur
- 79 - Meghalaya
- 79 - Mizoram
- 79 - Nagaland
- 79 - Tripura
- 80 - 85 Bihar
- 80 - 83, 92 Jharkhand
What is Pin (Postal Index Number)
While sending a letter or a parcel via the Indian postal system or by courier, do you wonder if it will safely reach its destination? The chances of your letter reaching its intended recipient are increased every time you remember to include the PIN Code of the destination.
India is such a vast country with so many cities, towns and villages that finding the right place or person can be a real challenge for the Indian Postal Service (and for courier services). In order to make the process of delivering letters and parcels more efficient, the Indian Postal service introduced the 6 digit Postal Index Number (PIN) Code on 15 August 1972.
The Indian Postal Service has designated 9 specific PIN regions across the country, out of which 8 are geographical regions and the 9th is reserved for the Indian Army.
Structure of Pin Code (Postal Index Number)
Each digit in the 6-digit number has a specific meaning. The first digit designates which is the overall geographical region, and the first 2 digits designate the postal circle or sub-region. The third digit designates the sorting district. Thus, the first 3 digits collectively designate the postal district while the last 3 digits indicate the specific post office within the district.
Here's an example of decoding your pin code. The pin code of Central Delhi is 110001.

The first digit indicates: northern region = 1
The first 2 digits indicate: postal circle Delhi = 11
The third digit indicates: sorting district = 0
The last 3 digits indicate: the specific post office (Connaught Place) = 001
Thus the 6-digit Pincode for Connaught Place in Central Delhi = 110001
India's Zones and Distributions of First 2 digits of PIN Code on a Map

Last Update on: February 28, 2025
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