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Punjab Rivers and Lakes

The state of Punjab, situated in the northwest part of India, is at once recognized as the land of five rivers. In fact, the state got its name from the words 'Punj', which means five, and 'aab', which means water, thus the word 'Punjab' together meaning five waters. These five rivers that drain the fertile lands of Punjab have their origin from various small lakes in the mighty Himalayas. Being fed by the melted water of Himalayas, the rivers have continuous source of water all through the year.

In order of their location from the capital of India the rivers are Beas, Sutlej, Ravi, Chenab and Jhelum. Beas and Sutlej merge as one river retaining the name Sutlej at Harike in Punjab just before crossing the border of Pakistan gradually merging into the Indus River. These rivers are the main sources of economy for Punjab, especially the breadbasket of Punjab province.

The area of Punjab stretching between the rivers of Beas and Sutlej is popularly known as Doaba. The major cities in this part of Punjab are Jalandhar, Hoshiarpur and Nawan Shahr. The area between Beas and Chenab rivers and on either sides of Ravi together is popularly termed as Majha. This part can truly be called the heart of Punjab and one of the major cities of this part is Amritsar. The Majha part of Punjab have largely been developed by converting the forests into cultivating land and is called Bar. The area beyond Chenab River in North and around river Jhelum is popularly termed as Pothohar. The area between the rivers Ravi and Chenab is widely known as Rachna doab. The area of Malwa in southern Punjab lying in the east of river Beas, include cities like Ludhiana, Patiala, Ambala, Karnal, Sangrur, Malerkotla, Shahabad, and Abohar.

Last Updated on 22th January 2013



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