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People of Punjab

Representing the diverse socio-cultural dominations, the People of Punjab are known to populate the sate peacefully from several decades. Although divided in different castes and creeds, these People strive to build a single platform of growth and development where equal opportunities are offered to all. Being populated by 243.59 lakh People (census 2001), the vast and fertile area of Punjab shows a versatile conglomeration of various traditional customs and vibrant festivals.

The social structure of Punjab is framed in such a way so that even the group belonging to the lowest strata of society can avail of all the prevailing socio-economic facilities. Sikh Jat is the biggest community which has a considerable share in the population of Punjab. Deft in agriculture and related operations, these People contribute significantly towards the regional agricultural output.

Following the holy inscriptions of the various Sikh Gurus, the People of the place lead a very simple yet prosperous lifestyle. There are different tribes and sub-tribes that are found in the state of Punjab. Sainis, Kambhos, Pakhiwaras, Bawris, Bazigars and Sansis dominate the minor communities of the state. The major occupation of these People ranges from core agricultural operations to local trading operations.

The confluence of five rivers has led to the name of Punjab which is a blend of Punj and Aab. Being cultivated by Beas, Sutlej, Ravi and Ghaggar, the lands of the state provide for a thriving agricultural opportunity to the local People. Growing a variety of crops the peasants of Punjab are quite famous for producing high quality granary.

Characterized by colorful dressing features, delicious cuisines, vibrant folklores and traditional handicrafts, the state is glowing with its inherent reserve of human resource which is further enriched by the diligent and sociable nature of the People of Punjab.


The Ethnicity of Punjab is characterized by a wide gamut of human races which includes several clans. One of the major Ethnic groups which prevail on the landscape of Punjab is the Sikh Jats. People from this community are generally associated with a well-built physical structure and strong determination.

The Sikhs have experienced significant racial upheavals in the past due to several political and other external factors. However, today the various Ethnic factions live in the state with utmost cordiality and peace.

Apart from the Sikhs, Punjab is inhabited by other major communities like that of Aroras and Khatris. While the former claims its origin to the ancient Khatri clan, the latter has been derived from the famous Kshatriyas who used to belong to the Aryan civilization. With the passage of time, the people of these groups have made remarkable progress in the field of education and commerce.


Signifying the rich heritage of ancient mode of interaction, the Languages of Punjab come as a combination of several regional dialects. Punjabi being the official Language of the state, the people are found communicating in other Languages too like Hindi, English and Gurmukhi.

Once ruled by several external Dynasties the land of Punjab has been influenced significantly by the lifestyle and behavioral practices of those past rulers. Developed from the old forms of Hindi, Persian, English and Urdu, Punjabi Language is today extensively used not only in the state itself but also in the adjoining states of Delhi and Haryana.

Inspite of the tragic partition of the entire state into east and west Punjab, the Languages that were spoken by all the people of the place played a significant role in tying the people of both sides into one common thread of communication.


Covering a versatile spectrum of beliefs and faiths, the Religion of Punjab mainly consists of followers of Sikhism, Hinduism and Islam. Known as the thriving ground of many ancient Religions like Buddhism, Jainism and Christianity, Punjab today comprises of majority of Sikh people. However, the co-existence of other Religious sects itself proves the liberal atmosphere of the state.

Devoted to the ten Gurus, the Sikh Religion of Punjab primarily focus on the omnipresence of an ultimate God who is invisible yet present in every form of life. Guru Nanak, who spread the message of love and peace through his scriptures between1469 to 1539, is considered the revered leader of Sikhism. Guru Gobind Singh is another respected figure of Sikh Religion who dominates the Religious beliefs of the people of Punjab.

Last Updated on 22th January 2013



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