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East Central Railway Zone

Map of East Central Railway Zone

East Central Railway Zone Map
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*Map showing the East Central Railway Zone in India. Disclaimer

East Central Railway Zone

The East Central Zone is one of the six new zones set up by the Indian Railways. It came into existence on 8th September, 1996. East Central Zone covers a great network of around 3600km and track kilometer of 5250km running through Bihar, Jharkhand and areas of Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh.


With its headquarter at Hajipur in Bihar, the jurisdiction of East Central Zone consists of Danapur, Sonpur, Samastipur, Dhanbad and Mughalsarai divisions.

The region under Danapur division covers a length of 750km, spanning over two states, Bihar and U.P.

The division of Sonpur covers around 500km covering the north side of Ganga and western areas of Gandak River.

The Samastipur division covers a length of 650km running through the densely populated areas on the geographical limits of Kosi, Gandak, and Baghmati etc.

The Mughalsarai division houses, an electric locomotive shed, (which has a capacity of around 150 locomotives,) a diesel locomotive shed, (which houses 53 locomotives,) a 170 bed divisional hospital and an ROH Shed.

New Developments

With the introduction of 136 pairs (both up and down lines) of new trains in the five divisions, it now offers connectivity to all the major cities. Indian Railways has increased the frequency of about 75 mail and express trains while 26 pairs of trains have been added to meet the requirements of the travelers from different areas of the zone. Around 100 halts have been approved till now.

There has been an increase in the number of computerized counters for reservation of passengers and the number of such counters has gone up to 125 and the number of unreserved ticketing counters has reached 320.


The major capital investments of the East Central Zone are flown into track regeneration, telecommunications, construction and repair of railway bridges, erection of new lines, signaling computerization, passenger amenities, track renewals, gauge conversion, workshops, and electrification projects. The development of the East Central Zone will certainly lead to the prosperity of the area.

Last Updated on 12/18/2012