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Northern Eastern Railway Zone

Map of Northern Eastern Railway Zone

Northern Eastern Railway Zone Map
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*Map showing the Northern Eastern Railway Zone in India. Disclaimer

Development activities in North Eastern Railway Zone

The Indian Railways has expanded to become the world's largest rail network, which is under a single management system. North Eastern Zone was previously divided into three divisions- Varanasi, Izzatnagar and Lucknow. The North East Zone consists of hilly forested states situated on the eastern tip of India with green valleys, high mountains and rich diversity.

The North Eastern Zone was formed on April14, 1952 by the combination of two railway systems viz. Assam Railways and Oudh and Tirhut Railway. The North Eastern zone covers a route of 3,400km roughly with around 500 railway stations. It primarily serves Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh and western areas of Bihar.


With the first computerized system introduced in the North Eastern Zone in the year 1986, many innovations have taken place since then such as Electronic Display System at railway stations, Money Changing facility, I ASK, Reservation Availability Position Information Display, and Recorded Coach Guidance Display System. The North Eastern zone has also launched the Unreserved Ticketing System, where the unreserved passengers of the railways can buy an unreserved ticket in advance three days before the journey.


There has been an enhancement in the new lines, gauge conversions, doubling of routes, traffic facilities, workshops and shed, ROB and RUB, track renewals and passenger amenities. The other achievements include computerization of the Load Box, and improvement of Effluent Treatment Plant. Machinery have been imported and enacted such as Pit Wheel Lathe Machine, MG & BG locomotives, coaches, and wagons etc. The diesel sheds at Izzatnagar was constructed to house 50 YDM4 locomotives. The shed is equipped with modern machines and plants, which are needed to maintain diesel locomotives and provide a pollution free environment through the efficient Effluent Treatment Plant. The diesel shed has its emergency electricity supply system and Diesel Generator sets to maintain continuity of electric supply.

With its headquarter at Gorakhpur, the North Eastern Zone serves the areas, which are quite inaccessible otherwise.

Last Updated on 12/18/2012