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Northern Railway Zone

Northern Railway Zone Map

Northern Railway Zone Map
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*Map showing the Northern Railway Zone in India. Disclaimer

The Largest Zone - Northern Zone

Northern Zone is the shining star of the Railways of India. It has easily achieved its objective to cover vast distances and create a benchmark of success for other zones to follow. It came into existence in 1952. It is the biggest zone of all in terms of the length of tracks despite the division of zones in the railways in India.
The Northern Zone consists of 5 major divisions - Delhi, Ambala, Lucknow, Ferozpur and Moradabad. The Northern Zone extensively spreads across Haryana, Union Territory of Chandigarh, Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Delhi, Jammu & Kashmir, and Uttaranchal.

Industries associated with Northern Zone

The key products served by this zone include fertilizers, iron and steel, cement, sugar, food grains, and the industries served are Polymer plants, BHEL, HAL Ambala, some scooter and cycle factories.


There has been a tremendous improvement in the infrastructure of the Zone to bring in greater growth. The development of the zone has incidentally led to boost in tourism. Automatic indications (SDMI) are being substituted by electromechanical relays and interlocking, which is based on advanced microprocessors and have rare chances of an error. The electromechanical exchanges in the field of telecommunications are being swapped by digital electronic technologies and state of the art optical fiber, for faster communication. Numerous projects are underway at several sites, simultaneously. The workshops perform the modernization activities such as ART conversion and Vacuum Pressure Impregnation Plants etc. There are different workshops for bridge engineering, locomotives, signals and telecom going on in the Northern Zone.

The workshop in Tughlakabad has discovered an innovative way of reducing the chances of loco failure and the occasional fires that occur due to overheating of the HP Expresser. With all these steps, the Northern Zone has upgraded its standard technologically and economically. With the integration of advanced technology and changing perspective, the Northern Zone is continuously flourishing.

Last Updated on : 16/09/2013