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South Central Railway Zone

Map of South Central Railway Zone

South Central Railway Zone Map
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*Map showing the South Central Railway Zone in India. Disclaimer

Formed on October 2, 1966 South Central Zone is the 9th zone of the Indian Railway Zones. With the passage of time, South Central Railway Zone has helped the regions, which come under its jurisdiction to grow and prosper through ample infrastructural development and technological improvement. With its headquarters in Secunderabad, the railway zone covers a route of 5800km. The zone encapsulates portions of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and areas in Madhya Pradesh.


South Central Zone includes seven divisions in total viz. Nanded, Guntur, Secunderabad, Hyderabad, Vijayawada and Hubli.


South Central Zone had started with the new innovative high horse powered diesel and electric locomotives. The high speed and a much higher axle load box in wagons pave the way for greater load carrying capacity and therefore promote the growth of business and commerce along with export and import in the connected areas.


With the infrastructural and technological upgradation, the South Central Zone has laid new lines of about 350km and converted around 2700km of track to Broad Gauge from Meter Gauge. It has also doubled its track by 1300km. Security of the operations of trains, expansions of the Internet during the railway operations, new passenger facilities, the punctuality of the trains, great hospitality services and hygiene at railway stations have now become the top priorities of this Zone. South Central Railway Zone offers a computerized reservation system to its passengers at around 90 locations.

It also provides National Train Enquiry System for the correct information on the movement of trains, Interactive voice response system for the enquiry of trains and reservation, close circuit television for availability status and passenger-operated Enquiry Terminus for availability of seats and their confirmation at all the stations under its jurisdiction.

The South Central Zone provides reliable and prompt services to its passengers for long as well as short-distance travel.

Last Updated on 12/18/2012