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South East Railway Zone

Map of South East Railway Zone

South East Railway Zone Map
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*Map showing the South East Railway Zone of India. Disclaimer

South East Central Railway zone

The South East Central Railway (SECR) was first established on 1st April 2003. Its headquarters is located in Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh. It includes three divisions: Bilaspur, Raipur and Nagpur. The South East Central Railway Zone is a newly created zone. Previously this zone was a part of South Eastern Railway. This railway zone has a total route of about 2447 km. The South East Central railway network covers large parts of Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. Development of railways in the south east central region has passed through many phases over the years. SECR has the most techno-savvy and developed railway zone of the Indian Railway. The zone has a huge passenger and freight traffic throughout the year. With its technologically improved advanced signaling system, good passenger amenities and other facilities at the stations, the SECR has a respectable place among the Indian Railway. Some important stations in this zone are: Balaghat, Nainpur, Bilaspur, Champa, Raigarh, Durg, Raipur, etc.

Last Updated on 12/12/2012