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Central Potato Research Institute

The Central Potato Research Institute in Shimla conducts cutting edge research in food processing. The Central Potato Research Institute (CPRI) specializes in the processing and value addition of potato products.

The Central Potato Research Institute in Shimla is engaged in research for the purpose of commercialization of the Indian potato. The potato is processed to give it more economic value. Potato chips are one of the many processed food products popular all over India and the world. A processed potato is of more economic value than the raw, unprocessed one; the increased economic value has a positive ripple effect throughout the relevant agrarian economy- the farmer gets a better price for his potato crop due to increased demand, the processing company squeezes more profit margins from a better quality processed potato food product. The Central Potato Research Institute (CPRI) in Shimla conducts pilot trials and commercializes the technology for industrial use.

The Central Potato Research Institute has many scientific breakthroughs to its credit; the notable among them is the development of a protein rich potato, which will give vegetarians more essential proteins- which they miss out due to their vegetarian diet. The scientists of Central Potato Research Institute has accomplished the amazing scientific development by incorporating Amaranthus genes in the potato.

Among processed potato food products, potato chips and french fries are the most commercially successful. The potato processing industry requires potato varieties with above 20 percent tuber dry matter, low reducing sugars and total phenols for a high quality processed product. None of the Indian potato varieties meet the stringent standards set by the demanding food processing industry. The endeavor of the Central Potato Research Institute (CPRI) is to meet the demands of the commercial potato processors By doing so, the Central Potato Research Institute would also benefit the common farmer-which is the institute's ultimate objective.

Last Updated on : 29/05/2013