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Shimla Research Institutes

Shimla has a number of world class research institutes. Shimla Research Institutes conduct cutting edge research work which is recognized all over the world.

The list of Shimla Research Institutes are as follows:

  • Central Potato Research Institute: Central Potato Research Institute does work on the following academic sub-disciplines: Breeding, Bio-Technology, Culture (crop improvement and crop production), physiology, nutrition, soil and water management, crop protection, crop engineering, post harvest technology, extension of technology, transfer of technology.

  • Temperate Forest Research Institute (TFRIS): The major field of research of Temperate Forest Research Institute involves the regeneration of temperate forest, afforestation and rehabilitation of cold deserts, forest conservation and ecological rehabilitation of Himalayas. TFRIS has conducted research on silviculture and ecology of coniferous forests. Notable achievements include establishment of seed production areas of Deodar, Fir/Spruce, Chir Pine and Blue Pine.

  • Institute of Tribal Studies and Research: The Institute of Tribal Studies and Research is affiliated to Himachal Pradesh University.

    The mission of the Institute of Tribal Studies and Research is to pursue scientific and independent research for the creation of database and evolving strategies for research, monitoring and evaluation of the developmental policies and programs. All of these activities are conducted with the view for the economic,political and cultural development of the scheduled tribes of Himachal Pradesh.

    The Institute of Tribal Development Studies (ITDS) offers one year Post Graduate Diploma in Tribal Studies that covers tribal history, society, economy and culture with special focus on the tribes and tribal areas of Himachal Pradesh.

    Last Updated on : 26/10/2013
