According to the census of 2001,
Vadodara demography is 1,492,398. The male population of Vadodara is 52% of the the total population. The females comprise 48% of the population of the city. The density of population in Vadodara is 9,527 per square kilometer. Moreover, about 213,540 household constitute the population at Vadodara.
Vadodara demography also comprise of Hindi,
Furthermore, the city has an average of 78%. About the 76.11% of the total population is literate in Vadodara. The literacy rate of the city is higher than the literacy rate of India, which is 59.5%. The literacy rate comprise of 74% of female population and 82% of males. About 11% of the total population comprise of minors (under 6 years of age).
Given below is a study of the population trends in Vadodara in the recent years:
2007 - 2,200,000
2001 - 1,306,305
1991 - 1,031,346
1981 - 734,473
1971 - 467,487
1961 - 298,398
Last Updated on: 8/05/2013