Languages in Vijayawada

The people speak a number of languages in Vijayawada but Telugu is the most common language. Telegu is also the most widely spoken language of Andhra Pradesh. However, the cosmopolitan character of the city of Vijayawada has led to the use and popularity of Hindi, Tamil and English as languages in Vijayawada.

Telugu, however, remains one of the most widely used languages in Vijayawada and is spoken with a distinct ascent.

The importance and popularity of Telugu amidst all the other languages of Vijayawada is apparent from the growing demand of making it a national Language. The second most spoken language in the country, Telugu occupies a special position among all the other Vijayawada languages.

Statistics reveal that there are a total number of 7.5 crores Telugu speaking people in the whole of Andhra Pradesh and a major proportion of them stay in Vijayawada.


One of the most widely used languages in Vijayawada, Telugu is a Dravidian language and the official language of the state of Andhra Pradesh. Telugu is primary among all the languages in Vijayawada, in particular and the state of Andhra Pradesh, in general, which makes it the most widely spoken language in India after Hindi.

Last Updated on: 9/05/2013