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Bharatnatyam is one of the most sublime of the Indian classical dances. It emerged in Tamil Nadu and among all the Indian classical dances Bharatnatyam is the most ancient. It is considered to be about 2000 years old and it follows the principles of Natya Shastra (the Bible of Indian Classical Dance). In this dance form the dancers make considerable use of hand-and-eye movements to express different emotions. Bharatnatyam is a term derived from the [...]

Kathakali belongs to the genre of Indian classical dance-drama. It emerged in south Indian state of Kerala during the 17th century. The literal meaning of the word Kathakali is “story-play”. The term Kathakali is a combination of two Malayalam words “katha” (meaning story) and “kali”(meaning play). Hand gestures occupy a very important place in Kathakali, like all other forms of Indian classical dance. Kathakali is a blend of the five distinct aspects of dance: Natyam [...]