New York Map | IA State Map

Map of New York (IA) State

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New York map showing state counties
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*New York map shows all the counties along with state capital.

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New York, also known as New York State, is a state in the northeastern part of the country. As of 2021, it was the fourth-most populous state in the country, with 20.2 million people counted in the United States census, which was its highest decennial count ever. New York is the 27th-largest state in terms of land area.

The capital is New York City. More than twice as many people live in New York City than in Los Angeles, the second-largest city in the country, making it the most densely populated major city in the country. New York, which houses the UN's headquarters and is occasionally referred to as the "capital of the world," is a crucial hub for global diplomacy.


The Declaration of Independence was endorsed by New York on July 9, 1776. The convention that drafted the New York State Constitution met in White Plains on July 10, 1776, and, after numerous delays and shifts in the venue, completed its work in Kingston on Sunday evening, April 20, 1777, when the new constitution, written by John Jay, was approved with just one dissenting vote. It was not put up for approval by the populace. George Clinton was sworn in at Kingston on July 30, 1777, to serve as the first governor of New York. The largest port of entry for legal immigration into the United States has been New York City since the early 19th century.


The city's size and ethnic diversity exhibit New York's various cultures. Tin Pan Alley, specific types of jazz, the Harlem Renaissance in literature and visual art, and disco in music are just a few of the cultural movements that were born in the city. It has been said that New York is the world's dance capital. In books, movies, and television shows, the city frequently serves as the backdrop. The media gives New York Fashion Week extensive coverage because it is one of the most important fashion events in the world.


Over 600 different languages are spoken in the New York metropolitan area, which is only natural given the city's international reputation. The New York metro area is home to nearly 800 different native tongues, and while English continues to be the most common language spoken there (with almost 65% of the population speaking it), hundreds of other languages are also heard there. This is due to the long history of immigration to the United States east coast.


Farms, forests, rivers, mountains, and lakes make up the majority of New York's landscape. The Appalachian Mountains in New York's region typically take on the form of hills before finally sinking to a level comparable to the lowlands that surround the great depression drained by Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River. The Marcellus Shale, a rock formation rich in gas that also stretches across Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia, includes New York.

Official nameNew York
CapitalNew York City
Population84.7 Lakhs
Area783.8 km²
CurrencyUS Dollar
Major citiesNew York city, Los Angeles, Buffalo


Q1: What is the official language of New York?

English is the official language of New York?.

Q2: What is the capital of New York?

New York City is the capital of New York

Q3: What is the currency of New York?

American Dollar is the currency of New York

Q4: What is the climate in New York?

New York has a humid subtropical climate. And the southeastern part has warmer climate.

Last Updated on: January 03, 2025

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