North Carolina Map | NC State Map

Map of North Carolina (NC) State

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*North Carolina map shows all the counties along with state capital.

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Located in the South of the United States is the state of North Carolina. In terms of size and population, the state ranks 28th in the nation. In North Carolina, the Charlotte metro area has the highest population density and the biggest banking sector.

Raleigh is the capital of North Carolina State of The US. After Charlotte, it is the city in North Carolina with the second-highest population. One of the cities in the US with the fastest growth is this one. Sir Walter Raleigh, who founded the now-defunct Roanoke Colony in present-day Dare County, is honored by having his name given to the city of Raleigh. An early example of a planned city in the United States is Raleigh. The region was selected as the location of the state capital in 1788 and officially incorporated as such in 1792 after the American Revolutionary War, at which point the United States attained independence.


The successive indigenous prehistoric cultures have lived in North Carolina for at least 10,000 years. The first formal request for American independence from the British was made on April 12, 1776, by the colony of North Carolina. Therefore, North Carolina made history through its call for independence. Other colonies soon cried out for freedom as well. The Continental Congress approved the Declaration of Independence in three months. To remind people of the state's dedication to liberty, the official state flag of North Carolina bears the date April 12, 1776.


A state arts council was established in 1964 to honor the distinctive history and cultural heritage of North Carolina. The council, which is now a part of the state's Department of Cultural Resources, helps to increase access to the arts for as many people as possible in the state as well as their influence. To support numerous projects, the council awards grants from the general budget. The state's first public museum was the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, located in Raleigh.


English is the official language. A non-English language is spoken at home by an estimated 11.8% of residents. Many of those people are also English speakers. Some people have their primary language as their only language of communication therefore, 4.84% of the population is thought to have limited English proficiency. As a result, North Carolina is home to many different languages that are widely spoken. Arabic, French, Chinese, and Spanish are a few examples.


The state's topography ranges from the summits of the Smoky Mountains, which rise to a height of nearly 7,000 feet (2,130 m) in the west before sloping down to sea level along the Atlantic Ocean's coast and beaches. The state of North Carolina spans the Coastal Plain, Piedmont, and Appalachian Mountains, three of the country's most significant physiographic regions. This regional variation has impacted the state's climate, soils, plant life, and human geography in addition to producing a beautiful landscape.

Official nameNorth Carolina
Population1.06 crores
Area139,390 km²
CurrencyUS Dollar
Major CitiesRaleigh, Charlotte, Asheville


Q1: What is the official language of North Carolina?

English is the official language of North Carolina?.

Q2: What is the capital of North Carolina?

Raleigh is the capital of North Carolina.

Q3: What is the currency of North Carolina?

The US Dollar is the currency of North Carolina.

Q4: What is the climate in North Carolina?

North Carolina experiences a humid climate. It has cold winters and a warm summer season.

Last Updated on: January 03, 2025

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