Koppen’s Climate Classification Map

Koppen’s Climate Classification on India Map

Koppen’s Climate Classification
*The India Map showing the Koppen’s Climate Classification Map. Disclaimer

India’s climate is generally called as ‘Monsoon’ type. However, the climatic conditions vary from region to region because of various factors like Latitude, the Himalayan Mountains, Distribution of land and water, Distance from the Sea, Altitude, Relief, Surface pressure and winds, Jet stream and upper air circulation, and Western cyclonic disturbances and tropical cyclones.

To better understand the change in climate by classifying it based on different parameters, broadly three approaches are used:

  1. Empirical Classification: It is based on observed data on temperature and precipitation.
  2. Genetic Classifications: It tries to classify climates according to their causes.
  3. Applied Classification: It classifies climate for a specific purpose.

One such type of empirical classification is Koeppen’s Climate Classifications.

Koeppen’s Climate Classifications

Koeppen’s Climate Classification is the most widely used in India. It was developed by V. Koeppen in 1918. He further refined and modified it and the final version of the classification came in 1936. He was a great German Climatologist and an amateur Botanist.

He studied in detail the relationship between the distribution of vegetation and climate before coming up with his classifications. After selecting some values of temperature and precipitation he tried to relate them to the distribution of vegetation and then used these values to classify climates.

According to these classifications, he divided the climate into five different groups and denoted them with capital letters- A, B, C, D, E, and H. These groups further have small sub-sections that are denoted with small letters. Here ‘f’ means no dry season, ‘m’ means monsoon climate, ‘w’ means winter dry season, and ‘s’ means summer dry season. The small letters a, b, c, and d denote the degree of severity of temperature.

Climatic Groups According to Koeppen

A - TropicalThe average temperature of the coldest month is 18° C or higher
B - Dry ClimatesPotential evaporation exceeds precipitation
C - Warm TemperatureThe average temperature of the coldest month of the (Mid-latitude) climates years is higher than minus 3°C but below 18°C
D - Cold Snow Forest ClimatesThe average temperature of the coldest month is minus 3° C or below
E - Cold ClimatesCold Climates Average temperature for all months is below 10° C
H - HighlandsCold due to elevation

Climatic Types According to Koeppen

GroupType Letter CodeCharacteristics
A - Tropical Humid ClimateTropical WetAfNo dry season
 Tropical MonsoonAmMonsoonal, Short dry season
 Tropical wet and dryAwWinter dry season
B - Dry ClimateSubtropical SteppeBShLow-latitude semi-arid or dry
 Subtropical DesertBWhLow-latitude arid
 Mid-latitude SteppeBSkMid-latitude semi-arid or dry
 Mid-latitude DesertBWkMid-latitude arid or dry
C - Warm temperate ClimatesHumid subtropicalCfaNo dry season
 MediterraneanCsDry hot summer
 Marine west coastCfbNo dry season, warm and cool summer
D - Cold Snow-forest ClimatesHumid Continental SubarcticDfNo dry season, severe winter
  DwWinter dry and very severe
E - Cold climatesTundraETNo true summer
 Polar ice capEFPerennial ice
H - HighlandHighlandHHighland with snow cover

Criticism of Koeppen’s Climate Classifications

The classifications given by Koeppen were widely accepted but it is also criticized on several factors. It is being said that is based only on the averages while extreme conditions like periodic drought or an unusual cold spell also affect the vegetation distribution of an area. The concept of this classification is very vast which might become a problem in memorizing it.

Another reason for which it is criticized is that it does not take all the factors consideration that affects the climate. The intensity of the precipitation, number of rainy days, cloud coverage, and variations in temperature or precipitation are some of the factors that were ignored by Koeppen while defining his classifications.

Last Updated on: August 25, 2022