The Western Syntaxial bend of the Himalayas lies close to the Nanga Parbat range. Nanga Parbat is the ninth highest peak in the world. Its height is 8125 m and is also known as the "killer mountain of the world".
Here's all you need to know about the Syntaxial bends of the great Himalayas:
- The Himalayas expands in the east-west direction from the Indus gorge (formed by the Indus river) in the west to the Brahmaputra gorge (formed by the Brahmaputra river) in the east direction.
- The cliffs of the Himalayas take keen southward bends at the gorge of Indus and Brahmaputra. These bends are termed the syntaxial bends of the Himalayas.
- The western syntaxial bend takes place near the Nanga Parbat where the Indus river cuts a sharp gorge and the eastern syntaxial bend occurs near the NamjagBarwa in the Tibet region.
- On the northern border of India, the world's highest and largest ranges extend from east to west. It is the newest turning mountain range across the globe. In the western part of this mountain range, near Nanga Parbat and the eastern region near Mishmi hill or Namcha Barba, two sharp syntaxial bends meet like 'hairpin turns'.
- There are numerous Syntaxial bends which are found in the state of Jammu and Kashmir and Arunachal Pradesh. The hairpin roads are also made to cross the curvy edges of the Himalayas. The hairpin road lets the vehicle turn almost 180% to continue on the road.
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Last Updated on: August 24, 2022