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Kanyakumari Telephone Directory

Keeping the Kanyakumari telephone directory handy is a must when visiting Kanyakumari or even if you are a citizen of the place. After all these numbers are meant to be approached to rescue and save people in need. This apart, there are several such numbers, which are must to keep, such as the fire brigade services, ambulance services, hospitals and the likes. The eye banks too are gaining increasing importance and willing citizens can approach these institutions to help out the needy.

Kanyakumari Ambulance Services & Telephone Numbers

  1. Arumugam Hospital 222522
  2. Govt. Hospital 223206
  3. Chrisma Ambulance Service 231065
  4. Catherine Booth Hospital 275516
  5. Manju Nursing Home 273849
  6. Irudhayams Hospital 241561
  7. Jeyasekaran Hospital 271620
  8. Gopalapillai Hospital 223218

Kanyakumari Fire Brigade Services & Telephone Numbers

  1. Fire Station - DFO (O) 226571
  2. Kulasekharam 277100
  3. Thuckalay 250499
  4. Kanyakumari 271309
iruvattar police station 277052
  • Traffic Police station-Kottar 233511
  • Kuzhithurai Police station 260485
  • Railway Police station 240914
  • Marthandam police station 270028
  • Vigilance Off 227339
  • Suchidrum Police station 243330
  • Wireless Station 222169
  • Vadasery Police station 275100
  • Kanyakumari Mortuary Van Services/Body Freezer Services & Telephone Numbers

    • City Mobile Mortuary 253985
    • Nagercoil Body Preservator 200895
    • Marthandam Body Preservator 272435
    • Kumari Mobile Mortuary 9443263985
    Make full use of the Kanyakumari Telephone Directory and make your stay in Kanyakumari safe and hassle free.

    Last Updated on 9/15/2011

    For further details on Kanyakumari information view the following links: