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Bishop Cotton School

One of the oldest Boarding Schools in Asia, Bishop Cotton School in Shimla is a very famous Christian school for boys.

This school was established on 28th July, 1859 by Bishop George Edward Lynch Cotton but it started functioning from 15th March, 1863. In the correspondence it is named as Simla Public School but in practice it is never used.

Bishop Cotton School is a complete boys school and nurtures them with two essential values of life- integrity and commitment.

The current Headmaster, Roy Christopher Robinson is all praiseworthy of his school for delivering the likes of author Ruskin Bond and actor Benjamin Gilani.

General Information about Bishop Cotton School:
  • It is affiliated to the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations and has two terms in an academic year. After the end of each term the school takes its children out for small vacations.

  • Being a Christian School, every morning prayers from all religious scriptures are held in the Holy Trinity Chapel of the school.

  • For a group of ten boys there is one House Tutor appointed who bonds with them emotionally and counsels them on their problem.

  • The co-curricular activities include drama, debates, elocution contests, art and craft,etc. Social Work and Community service are must.

  • The school has very strict rules for discipline. The day begins at and late beginners are not entertained.

  • Students are not allowed to keep their money with them. It is kept with the school authorities and whenever students need them they can ask their Homemasters and use it.

  • Eatables are not allowed from outside. The campus has an eatery called "Chipus" from where students can buy from their alloted pocket money.

Last Updated on : 29/05/2013

  Shimla Education