Tanaji Biography

Tanaji Biography

Tanaji is one of the brave and famous Maratha warriors and a name which is synonymous with valor and heroism. A lifelong companion and friend of the great Shivaji, he is famous for the capture of the Sinhagad Fort situated at the top pf the hill.

Tanaji and his fellowmen braved the steep cliff and attacked the Mughal soldiers. Tanaji lost his life but ensured victory for the Marathas.

The fort of Kondana was situated at a very strategical location and it was very important for Shivaji to capture it. The fort was well guarded by 5000 Moghul soldiers led by Udai Bhan. The only unguarded portion was on top of a overhanging cliff. Tanaji decided to scale the steep cliff with the help of a reptile called Ghorpad. Ghorpads can stick to any surface and can carry the weight of several men with the help of a rope tied to it. At the dead of the night, Tanaji and his 300 fellowmen climbed the cliff silently and attacked the Mughals completely unaware. Tanaji was killed by Udai Bhan after a fierce battle but Shelar Mama avenge the death and the fort was ultimately won by the Marathas.

Despite the victory, Shivaji was upset for the loss of one of his most able commander. He renamed the Kondana fort as the Sinhagad fort in the honour of Tanaji – the ‘Sinha’ ( lion ).

Facts and Information about Tanaji


Born 1600 AD
Died 1670 AD
Village Godoli, Javali taluka, Satara district, Maharashtra
Religion Hindu
About Tanaji Malusare, founder of the Maratha Empire, was a warrior in the army of Shivaji. He is also famous as Simha.
Known For Battle of Sinhagad, 1670
Legacy A ballad has been written in his honour. Also, a Marathi novel, Gad ala pan sinh gela was written, describing his life.
Battle of Sinhagad The Battle of Sinhagad was fought on 4 February 1670 between Tanaji Malusare and Udaybhan Rathod.
Death When Shivaji came to know about the death of Tanaji, Malusare he remarked, “We have gained the fort, but lost a lion.”
