Wind Monitoring Stations

India is counted as the 4th nation world wide amidst all the nations producing wind energy. India's potential to produce wind power is estimated to be 45000 MW. The wind resource estimation has been done at the wind-monitoring stations in India, which spreads to more than twenty states. Almost 221 Wind Monitoring stations in India show that the density of wind power is over 200 W/m2 at a ground level of 50 m. Several agencies have come forward in helping the country with its wind power generation capacity. India's wind monitoring stations help the country immensely in calculating, estimating and generating wind power efficiently.

Wind Monitoring Stations Map

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*Map Showing Wind Monitoring Stations in India. Disclaimer
The Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE) under the Government of India in association with other agencies encourages the development of the wind energy-producing sector in India. The government has facilitated the growth of the wind sector through financial aids and several policies. More than 600 wind monitoring stations in India have been formed out of which 104 stations are operating at present. Among all the states in India, Maharashtra has the maximum number of wind monitoring stations in India. There are 30 wind-monitoring stations in Maharashtra, which are at present operating. Karnataka ranks second with 13 stations. The wind monitoring stations in all the states of India is given below along with their wind power density:

State/Union Territories Number of Monitoring Stations operating Total Wind Monitoring Stations Formed Stations with the Annual Average WPD > 200 W/m2 at a height of 50 m
Andaman & Nicobar 1 14 2
Arunachal Pradesh - 9 -
Andhra Pradesh 4 67 35
Assam 1 9 -
Bihar 3 3 -
Chhattisgarh 4 7 -
Goa 2 3 -
Gujarat 7 68 41
Haryana 1 8 -
Himachal Pradesh - 10 -
Jammu & Kashmir 2 11 1
Jharkhand 2 4 -
KPCL Stations:
MNES Stations:



Kerala - 27 17
Lakshadweep - 11 6
Madhya Pradesh 7 42 7
Mizoram - 5 -
Manipur 3 8 -
Maharashtra 30 119 32
Meghalaya 2 2 -
Nagaland 4 4 -
Orissa - 11 6
Pondichery - 4 -
Punjab 2 13 -
Rajasthan 1 39 8
Sikkim - 3 -
Tripura 2 5 -
Tamil Nadu 7 74 47
Uttar Pradesh 5 12 -
Uttarakhand - 11 1
West Bengal - 10 1
Total 104 687 234

Last Updated on : 23 September 2010


India Non Conventional Energy